How to add Whatsapp on my Shopify Store?

If you’re looking to enhance customer interaction and streamline your store’s service, integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store is a great way to go. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add Whatsapp to your Shopify store. This will help you learn how to use Whatsapp on Shopify to improve your customer support process, boost sales and marketing efforts, and increase engagement with your online store.

  • Integrating Whatsapp on Shopify can enhance customer interaction and streamline your store’s service.
  • You can use Whatsapp to improve your customer support process, boost sales and marketing efforts, and increase engagement with your online store.
  • Following a step-by-step guide can help you add Whatsapp to your Shopify store and get started quickly and easily.
  • Make sure to use the right keywords, such as Whatsapp on ShopifyWhatsapp app for Shopify, and Shopify Whatsapp integration, to optimize your results.
  • Integrating Whatsapp on Shopify requires some technical know-how but is a worthwhile investment for improving your store’s functionality.

Why should you integrate Whatsapp on Shopify?

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can provide many benefits, including increased sales and marketing opportunities, improved customer support, and streamlined communication. Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Whatsapp sales on Shopify

By integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store, you can leverage the platform’s popularity to reach a wider audience and drive sales. According to research, Whatsapp has over 2 billion active users worldwide, making it an ideal platform for promoting products and engaging with customers.

You can use Whatsapp to send personalized messages, offer exclusive deals and discounts, and showcase new products. This can help increase customer engagement, build trust, and ultimately lead to more sales.

Whatsapp marketing on Shopify

In addition to sales, Whatsapp can also be a valuable tool for marketing your Shopify store. With Whatsapp, you can create targeted campaigns, send automated messages, and segment your audience based on specific criteria.

By integrating Whatsapp with your Shopify store, you can also track important metrics such as message open rates, clicks, and conversions. This can help you refine your marketing strategy and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Whatsapp customer support on Shopify

Another major benefit of integrating Whatsapp on Shopify is improved customer support. With Whatsapp, you can provide fast and efficient support to your customers, answering their questions and addressing their concerns in real-time.

Whatsapp also allows you to personalize your support, helping to build stronger relationships with your customers. By providing exceptional support, you can boost customer loyalty, increase retention rates, and ultimately drive more sales.

Overall, integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can provide a wide range of benefits, from increased sales and marketing opportunities to improved customer support. By leveraging this powerful platform, you can take your online business to the next level and achieve greater success.

Installing the Whatsapp app on Shopify

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store requires installing the Whatsapp app for Shopify. The app can be easily found in the Shopify App Store and can be installed directly from there. Follow these simple steps to install the Whatsapp app on Shopify:

  1. Log in to your Shopify account and go to the Shopify App Store.
  2. Search for the Whatsapp app for Shopify using the search bar or by browsing the app categories.
  3. Select the Whatsapp app for Shopify and click on the ‘Add app’ button.
  4. A pop-up will appear, prompting you to confirm permissions. Click on the ‘Install app’ button to proceed.
  5. The Whatsapp app for Shopify will now be installed, and you can access it from the ‘Apps’ section of your Shopify dashboard.

After installing the Whatsapp app on Shopify, you will need to configure its settings to ensure that it operates seamlessly with your store. Configuring the app requires creating a Whatsapp Business account and connecting it to your Shopify store. We will cover this in detail in the next section.

Setting up Whatsapp notifications on Shopify

If you want to keep track of customer inquiries, new orders, and other important events on your Shopify store, enabling Whatsapp notifications can be a great way to do so. Follow these steps to set up Whatsapp notifications on your Shopify store:

  1. Download and install the Whatsapp Business app on your mobile device.
  2. Sign in to the app using your phone number.
  3. Click on the three-dot icon in the top-right corner and select “WhatsApp Web.”
  4. Open your Shopify store’s admin dashboard in a separate tab and click on “Settings.”
  5. Select “Notifications” from the dropdown menu.
  6. Scroll down to the Whatsapp section and click the “Connect Whatsapp” button.
  7. A QR code will appear on the screen. Scan the QR code with the Whatsapp Business app on your mobile device.
  8. Once the QR code is scanned, the Whatsapp integration is complete. You can now receive notifications directly through Whatsapp.

It’s important to note that Whatsapp notifications can only be sent to the phone number you used to register your Whatsapp Business account.

Tips for setting up Whatsapp notifications:

To ensure that you receive notifications in a timely manner, make sure that your mobile device is connected to the internet and that the Whatsapp Business app is running in the background. You can also customize which types of notifications you receive by adjusting the settings in your store’s admin dashboard.

Tip: Limiting the number of notifications you receive can prevent your phone from constantly buzzing and overwhelming you with alerts.

Customizing the Whatsapp chat widget on Shopify

One of the benefits of integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store is the ability to customize the chat widget to match your brand’s appearance and functionality. This not only enhances the user experience but also ensures a consistent brand image across all customer touchpoints. Here are some tips for customizing the Whatsapp chat widget on your Shopify store:

Positioning the Chat Widget

To make the chat widget easily accessible to customers, you can choose where to position it on your Shopify store. You can place it in a fixed location, such as the bottom right corner of the screen, or allow it to move with the page’s scrolling feature. It is recommended to choose a position that doesn’t distract from other important elements on the page, such as the ‘Add to Cart’ button or navigation menu.

Styling Options

You can also choose from various styling options for the chat widget, such as customizing the color, size, and font of the chat icon and message bubble. You can use your brand’s primary color or choose a color that stands out on the page to attract attention to the chat widget.


By setting up auto-responses, you can provide customers with quick answers to common inquiries, such as store hours or return policy. This not only saves time but also improves customer satisfaction by providing instant support. You can also customize the auto-response messages to match your brand’s tone of voice and messaging style.

TipList of Auto-Responses
1“Thank you for contacting us! We typically respond within X hours. In the meantime, feel free to browse our store for other great products.”
2“Our store is closed right now, but we’ll be sure to respond to your inquiry as soon as we are back online. Thank you for your patience!”
3“We’re sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with your order. Please provide your order number, and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.”

Customizing the Whatsapp chat widget on your Shopify store can improve the customer experience and help you stand out from competitors. By following these tips, you can create a chat widget that represents your brand and meets your customers’ needs.

Integrating Whatsapp for sales and marketing on Shopify

Integrating Whatsapp into your Shopify store can be an effective way to boost your sales and marketing efforts. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Whatsapp is a popular communication tool that can help you engage with customers and promote your products. Here are some tips for using Whatsapp for sales and marketing on Shopify:

1. Engage customers with personalized messages

One of the best ways to use Whatsapp for sales and marketing is by sending personalized messages to your customers. You can use Whatsapp to send product updates, promotions, and customer loyalty rewards. Make sure your messages are relevant, timely, and provide value to your customers.

Example: Hi [Customer Name], we are excited to share our new collection of [Product Type]. As a valued customer, you get an exclusive 10% off on your first purchase. Use coupon code [Coupon Code] at checkout. Happy Shopping!

2. Create targeted campaigns

You can create targeted Whatsapp campaigns to reach specific groups of customers. For example, you can create a campaign for customers who have abandoned their cart or for customers who have not made a purchase in a while. Use Whatsapp to send reminders, promotions, and recommendations to encourage them to complete their purchase.

3. Provide real-time support

Whatsapp can be a valuable tool for providing real-time support to your customers. You can use it to answer their questions, provide product recommendations, and resolve issues. Make sure to respond promptly and with helpful information to build trust with your customers.

4. Use Whatsapp status for promotions

You can use Whatsapp status to promote your products and promotions to your customers. Use high-quality images and catchy captions to grab their attention. You can also use status updates to show behind-the-scenes content, product demos, and testimonials to build brand awareness and trust.

5. Share your Whatsapp catalog

With Whatsapp Catalog, you can share your product catalog with your customers directly on Whatsapp. This can help customers browse and purchase products easily. Make sure to keep your catalog updated and organized to provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

By integrating Whatsapp into your Shopify store, you can improve customer engagement and boost your sales and marketing efforts. Use these tips to make the most of Whatsapp for your online business.

Optimizing Whatsapp for customer support on Shopify

Using Whatsapp for customer support on your Shopify store can be a valuable asset in improving customer satisfaction and streamlining communication. Here are some strategies to optimize your Whatsapp customer support:

1. Respond promptly

Customers expect quick responses to their inquiries, so aim to reply within a few minutes to show your dedication to customer service.

2. Use templates

Creating templates with frequently asked questions and responses can save time and improve consistency in your customer support. You can easily customize your templates to personalize the responses.

3. Implement automated messaging

Automated messaging can be used to send quick responses to customers outside of business hours or to acknowledge receipt of their message. This can also help manage high volumes of inquiries.

4. Assign staff members to handle customer inquiries

If you have a team, assigning staff members to handle Whatsapp inquiries can improve response time and provide a personal touch to customer support. This can also help ensure that inquiries are handled by the appropriate staff member.

5. Use Whatsapp in conjunction with other support channels

While Whatsapp can be a powerful tool for customer support, it’s important to offer other support channels such as email or live chat for customers who may not have Whatsapp or prefer other methods of communication.

6. Monitor Whatsapp analytics

Monitoring Whatsapp analytics can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This can help you improve your customer support and address any issues that arise.

By following these strategies, you can optimize your use of Whatsapp for customer support on your Shopify store. This can ultimately improve customer satisfaction and lead to increased customer loyalty.

Measuring the impact of Whatsapp integration on Shopify

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can have a significant impact on your customer interaction and sales. However, it’s important to measure the effectiveness of this integration to ensure that it’s meeting your business goals. Here are some metrics and analytics that you can use to measure the impact of Whatsapp integration on your Shopify store:

Number of customer inquiries

By integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store, you provide customers with an additional channel for communication. You can track the number of customer inquiries received through Whatsapp and compare them to other channels, such as email or phone. This can help you understand how customers prefer to communicate and adjust your customer service accordingly.

Response time

One of the benefits of Whatsapp is its real-time communication capability. You can track the response time for customer inquiries received through Whatsapp and ensure that it’s in line with your service standards. Additionally, you can compare the response time for Whatsapp with other channels to identify areas for improvement.

Sales and conversions

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can improve the customer experience, leading to increased sales and conversions. You can track the number of sales or conversions that originated from Whatsapp and compare them to other channels to measure its impact on your business.

Customer satisfaction

By providing an additional channel for communication, you can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. You can use customer satisfaction surveys to measure how customers feel about their experience with Whatsapp on your Shopify store.

Engagement rate

You can track the engagement rate for Whatsapp messages sent to customers, such as product promotions or updates. This can help you understand how customers respond to your messages and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

By measuring these metrics and analytics, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store. Use this information to optimize your customer service, sales and marketing strategies, and improve your overall business performance.

Troubleshooting common issues with Whatsapp on Shopify

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can be a valuable asset for enhancing customer interaction, but it can also come with some common issues that you may face during the process. In this section, we will provide some troubleshooting tips and solutions to ensure smooth operation and maximize the benefits of Whatsapp integration on Shopify.

Issue 1: Whatsapp plugin not working on Shopify

If you have installed the Whatsapp plugin on your Shopify store, but it is not working, there could be several reasons for it. Firstly, ensure that the Whatsapp plugin is compatible with the version of Shopify that you are using. You can check this by visiting the plugin’s page on the Shopify app store and looking for compatibility information.

If the plugin is compatible, try uninstalling and reinstalling it, as this can often resolve the issue. Additionally, check that your Shopify store is up-to-date and that you have installed any necessary updates.

Issue 2: Whatsapp notifications not working on Shopify

If you have enabled Whatsapp notifications on your Shopify store, but they are not working, there could be a few reasons. Firstly, ensure that you have correctly set up notifications for the events that you want to receive alerts for, such as new orders or customer inquiries.

Secondly, ensure that your Whatsapp number is verified and has been correctly linked to your Shopify store. You can check this by visiting the Settings section of your Whatsapp Business account and looking for the ‘Linked accounts’ option.

Issue 3: Poor connection quality on Whatsapp

If you are experiencing poor connection quality on Whatsapp, it could be due to a few factors. Firstly, check that your internet connection is stable and strong. Whatsapp requires a stable internet connection to function properly, so ensure that you have a reliable Wi-Fi or cellular connection.

Secondly, try closing other apps or programs that may be using up bandwidth, as this can impact the performance of Whatsapp. Finally, ensure that you have installed the latest version of Whatsapp and have cleared any cache or data that may be causing issues.

Issue 4: Messages not sending or receiving on Whatsapp

If you are having trouble sending or receiving messages on Whatsapp, there could be several reasons for this. Firstly, check that your Whatsapp number is correctly registered and verified, as this can impact the ability to send and receive messages.

Secondly, ensure that you have a strong and stable internet connection, as this is essential for the proper functioning of Whatsapp. Additionally, try closing and reopening the app, or uninstalling and reinstalling it if necessary.

By following the troubleshooting tips outlined above, you can resolve common issues and ensure that your integration of Whatsapp on Shopify is smooth and effective.

Best practices for using Whatsapp on Shopify

Integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store can greatly enhance customer interaction and boost sales and marketing efforts. However, to take full advantage of Whatsapp integration, it’s essential to follow best practices that ensure effective communication and engagement with your customers. Here are some tips:

Create compelling chat templates

One effective way to streamline communication on Whatsapp is to create chat templates for frequently asked questions. This will not only save time for you but also provide quick and relevant answers to your customers. Make sure your templates are friendly, professional, and personalized to your brand.

Implement effective response strategies

When it comes to customer inquiries, timely responses are crucial. Set a standard time frame for responding to customer messages, and make sure to stick to it. You can also use chatbots or automated replies to provide immediate responses and make your customers feel heard and valued.

Use Whatsapp for promotions and special offers

With Whatsapp, you can send targeted messages to your customers, offering exclusive discounts or promotions. Make sure your promotions are relevant and valuable to your customers and avoid spamming their inboxes with excessive messages.

Integrate with other Shopify apps and tools

Integrating Whatsapp with other apps and tools on the Shopify platform can expand the functionality and reach of your communication efforts. For example, you can integrate with email marketing apps to send messages to your subscribers or use Zapier to automate tasks and streamline communication workflows.

Monitor Whatsapp metrics

Monitor key metrics such as message response time, open rates, and click-through rates to measure the impact of Whatsapp integration on your Shopify store. This will help you understand the effectiveness of your communication efforts and make necessary adjustments to improve customer interaction and drive sales.

Exploring Advanced Whatsapp Features on Shopify

Aside from its basic functionalities, Whatsapp offers advanced features that can maximize the impact of the app on your online store. Here are some of the advanced features you can explore for Shopify Whatsapp integration:

Automated Messaging

With Whatsapp Business API, you can set up automated messages that can be triggered by specific actions on your Shopify store, such as new orders or abandoned carts. This can help you save time and improve customer engagement by providing quick responses even when you’re not available.


Integrating chatbots with Whatsapp can further enhance customer service on your Shopify store. Chatbots can provide quick and accurate responses to common inquiries, such as product availability and shipping times, freeing up your customer support team to handle more complex requests. Moreover, chatbots can operate 24/7, ensuring that customers receive timely responses at all times of the day.

Whatsapp Pay

Whatsapp Pay is a payment feature that allows customers to make purchases directly through Whatsapp. With Shopify Whatsapp integration, you can enable this feature to provide a seamless and secure payment option for your customers. This can enhance the shopping experience on your online store, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Whatsapp Catalog

With Whatsapp Catalog, you can create a digital catalog of your products that customers can view and purchase directly on Whatsapp. This feature can streamline the checkout process, making it easier for customers to make purchases on your Shopify store. Moreover, you can use Whatsapp Catalog to showcase your products and promote new launches to your customers, driving sales and revenue.

Customer Segmentation

Whatsapp Business API allows you to segment your customer base based on their behavior and preferences. This can help you tailor your marketing and customer support efforts to specific customer segments, improving your overall results. For example, you can send targeted promotions to customers who have previously made purchases on your online store, increasing the likelihood of repeat sales.

Integration with Other Apps and Tools

Whatsapp can be integrated with a range of other apps and tools available on the Shopify platform, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software and email marketing tools. By integrating Whatsapp with other apps, you can enhance the functionality and reach of the app on your Shopify store, improving your ability to engage with customers and drive sales.

By exploring these advanced features and functionalities of Whatsapp, you can take your Shopify store’s service to the next level, improving customer interaction and driving sales and revenue.

Integrating Whatsapp with other Shopify apps and tools

Integrating Whatsapp with other apps and tools available on the Shopify platform can enhance the functionality and reach of Whatsapp on your online store. Here are some examples and recommendations:

Shopify Email

Shopify Email is a built-in email marketing tool that allows you to send newsletters, promotional emails, and abandoned cart reminders to your customers. By integrating Whatsapp with Shopify Email, you can send personalized and interactive messages directly to your customers’ Whatsapp accounts, increasing engagement and conversion rates.


OrderlyEmails is a Shopify app that allows you to customize and design your store’s transactional emails, such as order confirmation and shipping notifications. By integrating Whatsapp with OrderlyEmails, you can add a Whatsapp chat button to your emails, allowing customers to reach out to you directly for support or inquiries.

Bold Upsell

Bold Upsell is a Shopify app that enables you to create upsell and cross-sell offers on your store’s product pages, cart page, or checkout page. By integrating Whatsapp with Bold Upsell, you can add a Whatsapp share button to your offers, allowing customers to share them with their contacts or groups on Whatsapp.


Chatra is a live chat app that allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time on your store’s website or through a mobile app. By integrating Whatsapp with Chatra, you can link your store’s live chat to your Whatsapp account, allowing customers to contact you through Whatsapp directly from your website.


Conversific is a Shopify app that provides analytics and insights on your store’s sales, marketing, and customer behavior. By integrating Whatsapp with Conversific, you can track and analyze the impact of Whatsapp on your store’s performance, including the number of messages sent and received, response rates, and conversion rates.


By integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store, you can significantly improve your customer interaction and streamline communication. With the step-by-step guide provided in section one, you can easily install the Whatsapp plugin designed specifically for Shopify.

Benefits of integrating Whatsapp

In section two, we outlined the various benefits of integrating Whatsapp on your Shopify store, including increasing sales and marketing opportunities and improving customer support.

Implementing Whatsapp

Sections three through twelve provide detailed information on how to install the Whatsapp app on your Shopify store, setting up Whatsapp notifications, customizing the Whatsapp chat widget, using Whatsapp for sales and marketing, optimizing Whatsapp for customer support, measuring the impact of Whatsapp integration, troubleshooting common issues, implementing best practices, exploring advanced Whatsapp features, and integrating Whatsapp with other apps and tools available on the Shopify platform.

By following these steps and implementing the best practices outlined in this guide, you can successfully integrate Whatsapp and take your store’s service to the next level.

Thank you for reading this guide on how to add Whatsapp on your Shopify store. We hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.


How do I add Whatsapp to my Shopify store?

To add Whatsapp to your Shopify store, follow these steps:
1. Install the Whatsapp app for Shopify from the Shopify App Store.
2. Once installed, configure the app settings to customize the appearance and functionality of the Whatsapp chat widget.
3. Save the changes and enable the Whatsapp chat widget on your store.
4. Your customers will now be able to use Whatsapp to contact you directly on your Shopify store.

Why should I integrate Whatsapp on Shopify?

Integrating Whatsapp on Shopify offers several benefits:
1. Increased sales opportunities: Whatsapp allows you to engage with customers in real-time, answering their questions and concerns, and potentially leading to more sales conversions.
2. Enhanced marketing capabilities: You can use Whatsapp to promote products, send marketing messages, and build customer relationships.
3. Improved customer support: By integrating Whatsapp, you can provide instant support and resolve customer inquiries efficiently.

How do I install the Whatsapp app on Shopify?

Follow these steps to install the Whatsapp app on your Shopify store:
1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
2. Go to the Shopify App Store and search for the Whatsapp app.
3. Click on the app and select “Add app” to install it on your store.
4. Follow the prompts to configure the app settings and customize the appearance of the Whatsapp chat widget.
5. Save the changes and the Whatsapp app will be installed and activated on your Shopify store.

How can I set up Whatsapp notifications on Shopify?

To set up Whatsapp notifications on your Shopify store, do the following:
1. Go to the Whatsapp app settings in your Shopify admin panel.
2. Enable the notifications for the events you want to receive alerts for, such as new orders or customer inquiries.
3. Configure the notification preferences, such as the frequency and format of the notifications.
4. Save the changes and you will start receiving Whatsapp notifications for the selected events.

How can I customize the Whatsapp chat widget on Shopify?

To customize the Whatsapp chat widget on your Shopify store, follow these steps:
1. Access the Whatsapp app settings in your Shopify admin panel.
2. Navigate to the widget customization options and choose the desired position, style, and color scheme for the chat widget.
3. You can also set up auto-responses or configure specific triggers for the chat widget.
4. Save the changes and the Whatsapp chat widget will be customized according to your preferences.

How can I use Whatsapp for sales and marketing on Shopify?

To leverage Whatsapp for sales and marketing on Shopify, consider the following tips:
1. Use Whatsapp to engage customers by sending personalized messages and product recommendations.
2. Promote exclusive deals and discounts through Whatsapp broadcasts or group chats.
3. Share product images and descriptions via Whatsapp to entice customers.
4. Consider using Whatsapp Business features, such as catalogs, to showcase your products to potential buyers.

How can I optimize Whatsapp for customer support on Shopify?

To effectively use Whatsapp for customer support on Shopify, follow these strategies:
1. Respond to customer inquiries promptly, aiming for a quick resolution.
2. Use Whatsapp chat templates to provide consistent and efficient responses to frequently asked questions.
3. Consider integrating a chatbot to automate some customer support tasks and provide instant assistance.
4. Train your support team on how to effectively use Whatsapp to provide excellent customer service.

How can I measure the impact of Whatsapp integration on Shopify?

To measure the impact of Whatsapp integration on Shopify, consider the following metrics:
1. Track the number of Whatsapp messages received and sent.
2. Monitor the conversion rates for sales made through Whatsapp interactions.
3. Analyze customer feedback and satisfaction ratings regarding the use of Whatsapp for support.
4. Use Google Analytics or other tracking tools to assess the impact of Whatsapp on website traffic and engagement.

How can I troubleshoot common issues with Whatsapp on Shopify?

If you encounter issues with Whatsapp on Shopify, try these troubleshooting steps:
1. Clear your browser cache and cookies, then refresh the page.
2. Check your internet connection to ensure it’s stable and working properly.
3. Update the Whatsapp app to the latest version, if available.
4. Reach out to Shopify support or the Whatsapp app support for further assistance if the issue persists.

What are the best practices for using Whatsapp on Shopify?

Follow these best practices to make the most of Whatsapp on your Shopify store:
1. Personalize your messages and interactions to create a more engaging customer experience.
2. Use Whatsapp chat templates to save time and maintain consistency in your responses.
3. Be responsive and aim to resolve customer inquiries in a timely manner.
4. Regularly review and update your Whatsapp chat widget settings to optimize its performance.

What advanced Whatsapp features can I explore on Shopify?

When integrating Whatsapp with Shopify, you can explore advanced features such as:
1. Automated messaging: Use Whatsapp bots or automated responses to handle frequently asked questions or provide instant replies.
2. Chatbots: Implement chatbots to assist with customer support, lead generation, and automating certain tasks.
3. CRM integration: Integrate Whatsapp with your customer relationship management (CRM) system to track interactions and manage customer data more efficiently.
4. Analytics: Utilize Whatsapp analytics tools to gain insights into customer behaviors and measure the effectiveness of your Whatsapp marketing efforts.

How can I integrate Whatsapp with other Shopify apps and tools?

To integrate Whatsapp with other Shopify apps and tools, follow these steps:
1. Identify the apps or tools you want to integrate with Whatsapp.
2. Check if there are existing Whatsapp integrations available for those apps or tools.
3. Install the necessary plugins or extensions to enable the integration.
4. Follow the integration instructions provided by the respective app or tool to connect Whatsapp with them.

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